It’s December folks! My most favorite month of the year. This is always a festive month for my family and I. Lots of shopping, baking, eating and decorating. It’s also a time of introspection and prepping for the new year. This year has been full of really high highs and lots of low lows so I’m riding the coat tails of 2018 with my head facing forward. No looking back into 2017!
Consequently, in the midst of all that good stuff, here are 10 things I’m loving right now.
- I’m really dribbling over these family mugs. They’re made by a mother and daughter team and you get to design them to your liking. The price is a little steep and that’s just about the only reason I haven’t gotten them yet.
- Did you guys see my Christmas Tree? I can’t stop staring at it because I’m so in love!
- Did you get anything on Black Friday? I splurged on this bag as an early Christmas gift to myself and I haven’t put it down since!
- Golden tea is a recent favorite of mine. I have it almost every day and I use this recipe. It’s quick, easy and super delicious.
- I’m watching Dark, a Netflix series and although it took me a while to get the hang of it, it has me locked in. It’s about time travel. Check it if that’s your sort of thing.
- This little number can be dressed up or down.
- My favorite face mask.
- These google home minis are making my life such an ease. Gah!
- Are you into minimalism? Then check this podcast.
- Hubby surprised me with this beautifully vibrant but subtle fragrance. Can a scent be pretty?
What are you loving right now?
P.S ~ 10 Things I’m Loving August and 10 Things I’m Loving – October.
Published: December 14, 2017 6:30 AM