10 things I'm loving June

Hi! It’s been a while yeah? Oh man, I needed a break from errrything! But alas, I’m back to the land of the living. Here are a 10 things I’m loving for the month of June.

1|  This moisturizer has been lingering in my cart for a while now. What’s your favorite one at the moment?

2|  These sofas!

3|  I’m going to Miami this month and I can’t wait to eat here. They serve breakfast all day all night. *big smiles*

4|  My favorite blog on minimalism.

5|  Her insta-stories keeps me giggling.

6|  This product is working WONDERS on my hair. Even though I think I cut it a bit too short this time.

7|  My style in dress has made a total 180 and I seem to not be into ANY of my pieces anymore. How have you gone about starting all over with building the closet you love? I’m into loose, midi and flow-y these days but I’m not so sure it’s into me. LOL! I so ordered this though!

8|  As we’re talking about wardrobe, I only do flats or kitten heels for work nowadays. Where can I get some cute ones? I’m eyeing these.

9|  This sunny day.

10| Cacti! Or maybe it’s just the pots. Who really knows?

So tell me, what have you been loving?

Thanks for stopping by!


P.S ~ More 10 Things I’m Loving and a couple more here