My Christmas wreath is up y’all! I’m waiting for Sean to soften up a bit where the rest of my decor is concerned. He thinks it’s still too early. Meh! Lol. I’m on vacay from work in a week so will decorate fully then. Excited! But anyway, here are some things I’m loving right now.
1| This recipe book. It has hundreds of cheesecake recipes and they’re all so easy! No crazy, out of the box ingredients that no-one can find or anything of the sort. Up next for me is the Humming Bird and Blueberry cheesecakes!
2| I bought these trendy soap dispensers and I love them so much! I’m not the trendy type but I fell for this one hard.
3| The fact that I’m going on two weeks vacation leave from work with plans to do nothing. I haven’t had a vacation in years where I didn’t travel, was entertaining guests or doing something like moving house. Years I tell you. So I plan to plant shop, decorate for the holidays, have a relaxing spa day and just goof around. What sounds more perfect?
4| Top 4 movies on my list to see. I’ve seen previews and interviews galore and I plan to watch them all when on vacay. I’m talking about Bohemian Rhapsody (hello Rami Malek!), First Man (I love Ryan Gosling and Claire Foy), A Star is Born and Nobody’s Fool. Fun times!
5| My new Fiddle Leaf Fig tree and my blossoming Calathea.
6| All the fantastic gift guides that are coming up soon.
7| These lippies from The Organic Skin Co. Stardust and Galaxy are my faves! They complement my complexion beautifully. Not to mention they’re moisturizing and have lots of staying power without being damaging and toxic. The packaging is on a whole other level! (stay tuned for my upcoming review).
8| I love a nicely scented home and so I picked up this diffuser because it had tens of thousands of raving reviews and some of my favorite bloggers love it. It’s so nice and affordable! I paired it up with these essential oils.
9| Starbucks Hibiscus and Lemonade refresher!
10| The Fenty Beauty Chill Out Collection. I want everything!
So what are you loving right now? Do share!
Thanks for stopping by!
PS ~ 3 things I love about travel and 6 apps I’m loving right now.
Published: November 5, 2018 5:00 AM