I don’t normally set reading lists and challenges because I find some a bit unrealistic and it builds pressure that I don’t really care for. Instead, I’m making a mental note and aspiration to read more. At least one book a month if possible. I currently have a full time job, this blog, I volunteer two days a week, plus I have you know, every day stuff to deal with. So as you can see, time is a precious commodity in my household. Reading though, has been for a very long time and continues to be, a must for me. It opens my mind, broaden my horizons, educates and entertains me.
My reading has changed throughout the years. From thriller and horror in my early teens (Dean Koontz and Robert Ludlum) to romance in my later teens (Danielle Steel mostly), to crime drama (John Grisham and Dan Brown), to now, a mixture of comedy, classics, religion and everything else.
For 2018 I’m going to mix things up a bit and try genres that I’m unfamiliar with. I haven’t read many classics so I’d try to get some in along with some true crime, more memoirs, inspirational and of course a bit of fiction to level things out. These are a few of what I have in mind:
The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish I love Tiffany Haddish. She is extremely funny, relatable and is an awesome actress. Her life story is far from butterflies and lollipops and I can’t wait to read about her inspirational journey to stardom.
The Book of Joy by Desmond Tutu and The Dalai Lama Two powerful men who have, time and time again, converted adversity into prosperity and strength. Who would be better fit than these two, to teach me about joy and happiness? This one will be read over time as I want to wholly enjoy and savor their musings.
After The Eclipse by Sarah Ferry I have never ventured into reading true crime but i feel compelled to this year. I listen to many true crime podcasts but there are some stories I wish I could spend more time with. Dark I know, but this stuff holds my fascination. I prefer investigative narrations and i think this is the best place to start.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte This classic has been on my reading list for as long as I can remember but for some reason I never got around to it.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald This should be on everyone’s reading list. I cannot count how many times I’ve watched the movie. I can fairly say that I really really really love it. Maybe it’s the actors, the score, the story or the script. Who knows? After giving this a read I hope I can figure out what it is about this story that has me coming back time and time again.
1984 by George Orwell Listen, I have tried to read this book on many occasions but I can never get into it. It’s on every recommended bestseller reading list out there and I can’t see why. I’m giving it one more try! Just one more.
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank Although I’ve seen and read hundreds of hours worth of information and adaptations on the Holocaust, there is always more to be seen and learned. This has also been on my reading list for many years and I think 2018 is the year that I sit down to read and attempt to understand this young girl’s horrifying but telling experience.
The catcher In the Rye by J. D. Salinger I’m seeing a trend here. Another one that has been on my list for some time. As I said, this is the year of the classics for me. I’m sure it’ll take me back to those angst filled teenage years of mine.
The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins Just because it’s considered the first ever detective novel written. Not only that, an elderly book critic pegged it as her favorite book of all time, while a trusted friend of mine praised his work. I’m not a detective novel kinda girl but I’d give this one a shot and see where it goes.
The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls THIS! Is my favorite book of all time. It is always on my reading list. Always. I cannot describe it justifiably. You need to read it. All I can say is that Jeanette reflects on growing up with her very hippy and eclectic parents. I’m not going to give up too much, so go on, give it a try!
Columbine by Dave Cullen Why do people do the things they do? Specifically, why do teenagers and younger people commit crimes that no one can understand? This investigative piece promises to answer some of those questions about the entire situation surrounding the unfortunate events of Columbine High.
Mind Hunter by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker Mainly because I watched the HBO series and fell in love. I listened to podcasts profiling some of the subjects in this series and so I cannot wait to get into the book.
What about you? What does your reading list look like?
Thanks for stopping by!
P.S. ~ Book Insider ~ 5 Recent Reads and 10 Awesome Podcasts for 2017
Published: January 4, 2018 6:00 AM