What’s life really without a good, piping hot cup of tea to calm your spirit? To tell you the truth, I don’t know! As a child my father made pots, yes pots of tea on a daily basis. Having tea every morning and every night was a must (I think my husband now has an aversion to tea because of this same law in his house) and going a day without it just wasn’t possible.
Nowadays a girl can drink a different cup of tea every single day for years without repeating one. And I’m not mad at that at all! Although my tea cabinet is bursting at it’s seams, I always come back to these four. Don’t get me wrong, I still reach for the bitterly black and not so good for you Lipton, but when I want to wind down at night or just get an extra health kick, I reach for one of these.

Chai teas are known for it’s healthy ingredients in Ayurvedic medicine. It’s filled with antioxidants, digestive aids, anti-inflammatory agents and reduced caffeine. Don’t just take it from me, here is an amazing article on all the health benefits that’s packed in this delicious cup of tea.
Of all my Chai teas, I love this one because it’s spicy and energizing and just glazes over your palette with a complex but subtle mixture of each fruit and spice. This delicate tea surprises me every time with its bursts of pineapple, coconut, apple, cinnamon, lemon grass and cardamon. It’s everything you can ask for in a chai tea. I must admit that I feel a lil more fancy as it’s also a white chai. Lol. I don’t have much of those in my arsenal.

Now, I love a good black tea. Better yet if there’s fruit and spice in it. I think you can see a trend here. This little number is filled with fruity, floral and spicy notes that perks me up every morning while getting ready for work. My husband thinks it’s a little weird, but with every sip of this tea, I swish a little before swallowing because I just can’t get enough and want to maximize on savoring the taste.
Black tea is one of the worlds’ most beloved beverages and that’s not all. It boasts of health benefits related to treating diarrhea, relieving indigestion, relieving asthma and reducing cholesterol.

This organic, relaxing blend of peppermint and lemongrass promotes a sense of calm and helps me wind down before bed. This tea has been a staple in my nightly routine for several years as this beautiful blend, which also contains chamomile and valerian, helps take the kick off of a long day. This may seem silly, but just the appearance of this tea with its pretty blue flowers and the fact that it draws pink, makes me extremely happy! I drink all my teas hot, but I’ve heard that these serve very tasty iced as well.

Ah! This tea makes me feel all warm and cozy inside. Mainly because it brings me back to the old time days. As a child, at any point in time, you could find dried orange peels hanging in our kitchen. This still occurs at my parents’ home to this day. Not to mention, we had lemon grass taking over our yard so these two teas, were remedies for EVERYTHING. If only we could go back to those good ole’ days. But only, I can! This mouth watering mix and appetizing balance of lemongrass and orange peels does everything for my taste buds and takes me back in time.
The key ingredients of this tea produces natural fibers, combats infections and can even help you to lose weight. It’s my go to beverage to help protect my immune system from colds and the flu.
Notable mention:
Matcha Japanese Green Tea by Teavana – I fought a bit to get matcha (ceremonial green tea) right. In the end I tossed the suggested equipment and instead put it in the blender with some ice, maple syrup and almond milk and voila! I had a matcha latte!
What is your favorite cup of tea? I’m always willing to try new ones!
Thanks for stopping by!
PS ~ What’s Your Work-Life Balance Like? and Quick and easy No-Cheese Pizza.
Published: February 26, 2018 6:00 AM