Lifestyle, One Pot Living

6 Tips for Having Houseguests

6 Tips for Having Houseguests

We almost always have houseguests. Since I was a child there was always some family member or friend spending a few days. Fun right? Not always. I get anxious just thinking of prepping for my guests arrival mostly because I want to ensure that their stay is perfect.

I can confidently say that now, I’ve got this hosting thing down to a T! Here are six little tips that’ll make having houseguests easy:

  1. A clean simple room – my guest room has a bed, armchair, desk and chair, closet (with free shelf space, towels, sheets and pillow cases), fan, clock, waste bin and clothes basket. I keep the room simple and free of clutter. Airy drapes add a nice touch. I’ve now started leaving water and little snacks as well.
  2. Before they arrive, if they are from out of town or from a different country all together, give insight on the law of the land. My in-laws recently visited and had their camouflage clothing confiscated at the airport as it is illegal to wear such clothing here. Giving them a little heads up on the do’s and don’ts of your community or country early on can save them (and you) lots of hassle and embarrassment.
  3. Give a little house tour. I usually show my houseguests the ins and outs of the kitchen, washroom and toilet and bath. Parking and compound/neighbourhood rules also come in handy. For instance, in my housing complex, everyone has a particular parking spot. If you park in the wrong spot, you will most definitely cause some confusion and perhaps angry neighbours.
  4. Depending on the type of stay, whether for business, vacation or simply someone returning home for a visit, giving recommendations on food, safety, parking, transportation and emergency services is very useful.
  5. A short trip to the grocery. If it’s a family member that I know well, I may skip this part as I am familiar with their eating habits and can prepare for them before hand. If not, then recommending or taking them to the supermarket can prevent you from having hungry houseguests. I do this especially when I know they have dietary restrictions or eating preferences.
  6. and finally, I noticed this little lovely luggage rack on another blog and I know this’ll be a hit. I’m yet to get one though. Don’t want my guests getting too comfy (kidding!).

What have I left out? What do you do to prep for having houseguests?

Thanks for stopping by!


PS ~ How to Travel Anywhere with Only a Carry-On and Apartment Hunting: What Every First Time Renter Should Know.

  Comments: 25


  Comments: 25

  1. I so appreciate when people have clean and airy guest rooms to stay in. It makes me feel like they really thought about making me comfortable!

  2. this is such great advice – especially the recommendations – it’s awesome to know the little hidden gems only locals know of

  3. These are great! I don’t actually have a guest room (because I don’t trust people to leave!) but I do often host dinner parties or game nights, and these are quite similar to our preparations!

  4. Thehaywirehoney

    This is awesome! It’s a great reminder before I have some visitors over myself <3 Thanks love.

  5. These are some great tips on entertaining house guests and making them comfortable. I, especially, liked the idea of leaving light snacks in their room so they don’t have to feel odd or stay hungry if they want to munch onto something and I am not around!

  6. Thank you for making me a bettter host I discovered something new

  7. I make sure I have some spare toothbrushes and travel size products on hand if my guests have forgotten something. Some folks are much easier guests than others.

    • La Shell Reid Hoilett

      Our recent guests needed toothbrushes and we didn’t have any extra ones on hand. Definitely noted for next time.

  8. Great tips! I could agree more about have a clean and simple room! So much more comfortable!

  9. Good tips. I think if you have a place, and you have a lot of visitors, offering them a clean comfortable guest room is essential along with their own private bathroom. The law of the land is a good idea depending where you live too. I never would have thought of that, not to so much of an issue in Canada except that a person should leave their guns (for protection) at home. The grocery store trip is a good idea too. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Yes to a clean simple room. and I like to leave a bottle of water as well. πŸ™‚

  11. I like treating my house guests to the best comfort I can provide. I want them to feel relaxed and comfortable at all times. It is the South Asian in me I guess πŸ˜‰


  12. Heather LeGuilloux

    These are fantastic tips to provide a very welcoming environment when guests come to visit. I’m sure any guest would appreciate being pampered in this way!

    Heather |

  13. Julia Elizabeth

    We have always had the issue of having one too few rooms when it comes to guests! It’s always a discussion of who should move into whose room to free up a bed for the guest. Definitely going to have a separate guest room when I have a house πŸ˜›

  14. Yen (GlossyCover)

    We have constant house guests and our guest room is simple, too. However, why have I never thought of offering water bottles in the room! Thanks for that. I also like to add some fresh flowers in the room during their stay.

  15. Great tips! Love your blog πŸ˜‰

  16. We have never actually had anyone stay at our home! These are great tips for when it happens!

  17. I live in a Japanese style home so I think I will use alot of these for my second bedroom

  18. I’ve never thought to give a little house tour. Great idea!

  19. Great simple tips, I love having houseguest that are clean and won’t over stay. ??

  20. Great tips! We don’t host overnight guests often, but next time we do, we’ll be ready!

  21. Great advice. it’s incredible how many people don’t know how to be a good host for overnight guests!

  22. These are some great tips! I love the fact that you keep your guest room tidy and clutter-free… it probably helps your guests to relax and feel right at home πŸ™‚

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