Have you already set your New Year resolutions for 2018? I was an avid yearly goal setter and would normally stick to them, however I haven’t done them for quite some time now. I can’t that say I’ve missed them really, however I do think that I need a bit of guidance for 2018. And so here I am, back on the New Year resolution train.
- Worry less. Seriously, in 2017 I worried about everything and everyone all the time. And quite frankly my life was miserable! In the end, my husband always asks “was it worth all the worry? Did the worrying change the outcome?” Each and every time my answer is no. So! I’m working on that fervently this year.
- Get healthy. I have fallen so far off of the wagon that it seems like there is no retrieve for me. I eat more fast food, exercise less, socialize less. Ugh, the sad and depressing list goes on. I need to find ways to make healthy food actually taste good. Mealtime is important to me so I need to feel good about them. Right now though, I loathe veggies and most things good for me and so I promise that this year will be better. It has to be.
- Focus more on me. I usually take the place of the Knight in Shining Armor. I always ride in to save the day which as a result, has finally burnt me out. Through always focusing on saving everyone, I have given my peace of mind away. The cocktail of worrying, eating unhealthy and everything else, have hit a boiling point to which I need to control. Ultimately, there is no better time than now.
I’ve recognized my shortcomings and this year, I hope to possess the will to change them. Let’s see how this goes!
What are your plans for this year? I always love to hear other people’s resolutions.
Thanks for stopping by!
P.S. ~ 10 Things I’m Loving – December and Are You Living Out your Childhood Dreams?
Published: January 2, 2018 6:30 AM