If you’re like me and only now hearing about apple, beetroot and carrot juice (ABC), then you’re missing out on something pretty awesome. I’ve been hit with not the best health news recently and to help combat it, I was told that I should have ABC juice three times a week. Now I’m always skeptical of health advice from non-professionals but can I say that sometimes I get THE best advice from just regular folk? Maybe it’s stuff that have come down from generations past when not everyone had access to a doctor and they made do with what they had. Who really knows? All I can say here is that I am SUPER happy I’ve come across this apple, beetroot and carrot concoction.
I’m not the biggest juice fan but it’s an easy way to get my veggies and nutrients in. Luckily, the ingredients for this one are all sweet so it’s a step up from that yucky celery, kale and cucumber green juice (please don’t hate me, lol). Aside from the palatable taste and getting my veggies in, this juice is loaded with good stuff.

It’s packed with rich goodies like Vitamin A, C, K and beta carotene. Not to mention all the antioxidants, folate and fibre. These all give you a healthy heart, clean skin, immune system boosts and a speedy working brain. So I mean, why not right? There is nothing to lose here!
Some people add ginger for some spice, lemon juice for a little tang or apple juice to get that special taste they like. Today I’m adding a bit of light apple juice.
I used my juicer for this recipe as it’s really quick and zippy.
Apple, Beetroot & Carrot Juice (ABC)
You’ll need
1 Medium Apple
1 Medium Beetroot
2 Medium Carrots
Light Apple Juice (optional)
How to:
~ Wash and peel all ingredients. Remove core from apple. Chop all ingredients into appropriate size for the juicer.
~ Power on juicer. Add apple, beetroot and carrot one by one then stir in apple juice.
~ Enjoy immediately or at the most, 24 hours later. Store in the refrigerator if not having right away.

I implore you to try this easy, healthy recipe. Let me know if this apple, beetroot and carrot juice is for you!
Thanks for stopping by!
PS ~ Little things that make me happy and Easy Chili!
Published: February 25, 2019 5:00 AM