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Book Insider ~ Five Recent Reads

Book Insider: 5 Recent Reads

What have you been reading lately? Second only to podcasts, a good book is one of my preferred means of entertainment. I’m really into fiction books these days as I need a little break from the real world. Generally I am really into memoirs, autobiographies, history and non-fiction, but these reads can be a bit heavy. I recently joined a book club and how it works is that you pay to receive a new book every month for a couple months at a time. I chose the three month option to test the waters a bit. I’m not sure I’d renew the subscription though. I really like to handpick my literature and as a result of that, having someone choose for me is a little unnerving. LOL!

But enough of that, here are some of my recent reads that I’d like to share. There’s still one non-fiction, couldn’t get away from it completely. Read along and choose wisely! Lol.

Goodbye, Vitamin by Rachel Khong

A little confused about the direction in which her life is going, recently disengaged Ruth moves back home with her parents. The story follows her grappling with getting over her ex fiance, her father’s descent into dementia and her mother’s struggle to adjust to her new life. It explores the lengths we go to ensure that those we love and cherish, experience happiness, tranquility and peace during their final days. This is not a feel good type of novel, but it isn’t as depressing as it sounds. It is filled with snippets of funny memories, quirky personalities and transforming grief into humor, love and self appreciation.

Rogue Lawyer by John Grisham

This is a collection of short legal drama stories with the protagonist being a lawyer riding around in a bullet proofed van with a bodyguard. Sebastian Rudd is the town lawyer who represents the lowest of the lows. And the town loathed him for it. He believes that everyone, regardless of your crime, your background or beliefs, deserves a fair trial. In this book we get to see him defend an elderly homeowner arrested for shooting at law enforcement, a heavily tattooed alleged cult member, a big time crime lord and more. I’m a big John Grisham fan and have been for decades due to his dry sarcasm and dark sense of humor. If you’re now getting into Grisham, I wouldn’t start with this one because I don’t think this is his best work. It’s entertaining enough but not a must read.

Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls by David Sedaris

True to form with this author’s comedic storytelling, this novel is full of laughs, questionable childhood stories and intense relationship interactions. There are candid tales of unlikely friendships, insecurities about being different in a time when being different wasn’t the best thing and vociferous family rivalry. Sedaris sheds light on how he views the world and it’s absurdities and inhumanities. It all comes together cohesively, most noteworthy through a redeemable display of hilarity and love. You will laugh when your moral compass tells you not to. This was a really good read, or maybe I’m just really biased. LOL!

Born A Crime: by Trevor Noah

Being an avid The Daily Show Show fan, there was no way I could pass on this book by its host, Trevor Noah. There is just something behind him that I believe can produce stories for 100 years. The son of a black South African Mother and a white Swiss father, it was a tumultuous existence as mixed race relations in apartheid South Africa were forbidden. Trevor shares his early life where we see first hand how racism touched him. It’s clear that he just never fit in as a mixed race child. The book also touched on his mother’s life, who had her fair share of trials and tribulations. This read is eye opening, but knowing Trevor, although his stories may be tragic, they will more than likely leave you laughing.

Little & Lion by Brandy Colbert

This book follows teenage Suzette who returns home for summer from her boarding school. We follow her journey of establishing her sexual identity and trying to maintain a meaningful relationship with her mentally ill step brother and her parents. Her character is quite complex but easy to identify with. This short but witty novel explores the effects that racism, mental health, religion and sexual diversity have on children.  If you fancy a light and delightful read, check it out.


What about you? What are your recent reads? Any recommendations?

Thanks for stopping by!


P.S ~ 8 Amazing Documentaries on Netflix Right Now and Minimalism – How I Found Joy Living With Less

  Comments: 17


  Comments: 17

  1. I was looking for some book recommendations for my 2018 reading challenge. I will do some research about these.

  2. Morgan Kathleen Smith

    Oooh these might just go on my TBR now!

  3. Ashley Stephenson

    I am hoping in 2018 I can get back into reading! In 2016 I read so many good books then 2017 came and I haven’t picked up a book I am sad to admit!

  4. These sound like decent books! Is Trevor Noah’s book non-fiction or fiction? It sounds like an autobiography about him, am I right? If so, I would DEFINITELY want to check that book out!

  5. Little & Lion sounds so interesting! Hopefully will be back soon to give you some good recommendations!!
    Xx- Ashley

  6. I loved Born A Crime. I listened to the audio version, which TN narrates, and it’s AMAZING.

    I just finished The Fact of A Body. (I’m also a true-crime reader) This one was a difficult read, but 4 stars. It reads like a Netflix documentary.

    Lorna x

  7. Goodbye, Vitamin and the Trevor Noah book both sound so good! Adding them to my GoodReads TBR list!

  8. Goodbye Vitamin sounds like one that would be a great read! I like the book Mademoiselle Chanel, a historical fiction book about Coco Chanel. I also enjoyed Grit by Angela Duckworth.

  9. stephanie parrell

    Love posts like this! I have been looking for some fall reading lists. Little lion might have to make the list 🙂

  10. Goodbye, Vitamin, and Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls sound like books that I would absolutely love to read. Goodby, Vitamin isn’t one in a genre that I’d usually read but I’ve been having a bit of a quarter-life crisis recently so it’d probably help. I also love Trevor Noah’s standup so maybe I’ll give his book a read.

  11. Love the diverse eclectic collection you have presented. Perfect for a monthly reading list – thank you!

  12. I’ve been wanting to read that David Sedaris books forever! I’ll definitely check it out now!

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