Book Review: Thinking Just Hurts the Team - Salisa R. Roberts

Thinking Just Hurts the Team was an easy read for me. This book was clear, straight to the point and resonated quite a bit, both as a woman on the rise in her career and as a yogi (ok it’s a bit of a stretch to call myself a yogi but I do practice from time to time. Lol).

Salisa R. Roberts does a great job of comparing the art of yoga and being a leader. She talked about how taking the principles of yoga practice and applying it to your workspace, can make your entire work and leadership experience an easier and more fulfilling landscape.

At first I found it sounded a bit cliched but as I read on, it made so much sense. I won’t give any spoilers but here are five things from this book that resonated with me, and why I think you should give it a browse.

Show up and be all there

We’ve all worked with people who came to work everyday only for the salary and did the absolute bear minimum. Don’t be that person. In this book Roberts exclaims how being present and doing your very best, will work for you. It’s the same in yoga. You do what you can, when you can and you do it to the best of your ability. We all have to start somewhere and so no matter what your job is, you show up and you do it well.

Everything is a process

We all have processes we aren’t aware of or pay attention to. This book gives some insight into taking heed of your processes and understanding how the lack of such, can have dire consequences. It also describes how going back to your process during times of uncertainty can ease confusion.

Being mindful

This is my favorite part of the book. Talk of being mindful both in practice and at the office runs throughout the book and is applied to various circumstances. Many to which I didn’t think about before. My friends will tell you that mindfulness plays a huge role in my everyday life so maybe that’s why this stuck out to me so much while reading. Lol.

Knowing that less is more

Society nowadays preaches that the more you have, the better off you are. In this book, Roberts speaks briefly and simply on this and although it probably won’t be anything you haven’t heard before, her take on making do with less is quite insightful.


If you’ve ever done yoga, you know that without this, your entire practice is fruitless. How can you fully let go if you’re not relaxed? And it also applies to being at work. As I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten better at taking things slow, gaining perspective, remaining relaxed and THEN and only then, making a decision or giving a reaction. There’s an entire chapter dedicated to this which I found extremely useful.

If you’re in the mood for some light reading, give Thinking Just Hurts The Team a whirl.

Thanks for stopping by!

P.S~ 2018 Reading List, What’s On Yours? and Book Insider ~ 5 Recent Reads.