I made an aspiration to lead a healthier lifestyle this year. Currently I’m as unhealthy as unhealthy gets. I don’t exercise regularly, I don’t eat balanced meals and I eat lots of take out and junk food. I do, however, have a grand plan, so hear me out. It’s a plant-based diet.
Years ago I reached my health pinnacle through doing the opposite of everything I mentioned above. I not only looked healthy, but I felt fresh, energetic and contented every day. I was happy with my skin, my weight and my overall presence. There were some drastic changes in my life which, I wouldn’t say caused me to fall off, but definitely encouraged it.
So! To address this phenomena, I have made the drastic decision to no longer have animal products of any sort in my diet. I’m going to incorporate a plant-based diet into my life. I know this takes time and dedication but if I want to travel well into my 90’s, I’ve got to address this now. I’m in no way labeling myself as anything as I intend to be realistic and want this way of life to be sustainable.
It’ll hold me to some accountability if I profess myself to be vegan, but let’s face it, I’d be a hypocrite to say so. I still own leather bags and shoes and beauty products that are not cruelty free. I hope that gradually these items can be phased out but in the mean time I’m taking things slowly. So in the interim, plant-based diet it is.
This post is not to preach that meat and dairy is unhealthy in any way, but for me, it surely hinders my quest to live a healthy lifestyle. In essence, I think it’s unhealthy for me. I will also be cutting back (not cutting out) processed foods and carbs. Carbs taste the best! There will be more leafy veggies, complex carbs and legumes. I will also take a B12 supplement as it can’t be derived from plants and our bodies needs it.
I for sure will miss these foods but it’s worth it for me. This change is more health related as apposed to ethical and environmental. That’s not to say that I don’t have those in mind, but it’s not the reason for this change.
This change is a stretch and is quite drastic as I am of the belief that you shouldn’t need to cut out anything totally, but go along with moderation. This is the exception for me. I need this jolt to get me going. I’ll need help for sure with recipes (I’m looking at this book right now and this one too) and so if you know of any vegan or vegetarian bloggers or authors, do let me know! One of my favorite bloggers is releasing her own vegan cookbook pretty soon so I can’t wait for that. I’ll check in every month to say how my new lifestyle is working out and if I’m holding up my end of the bargain. Wish me luck!
What do you do to keep healthy? Do you have any healthy recipe recommendations?
…and thanks for stopping by!
P.S ~ How To Attract Positive Energy into Your Life and 4 Essential Tips for Moving House Stress-free.
Published: January 11, 2018 6:00 AM