We live in a world where every day we hear about and witness sickness and death, crimes and wars, greed and selfishness. For the average person it’s a hustle to remain relevant, to make a difference and to simply live a good life. Fostering and maintaining positive energy (thoughts, feelings, vibrations) takes some work.
It is so worth it to try though. I strongly believe that the energy we create and surround ourselves with, affect our thoughts, decisions and existence. I’ve put together some simple daily practices that will keep positive energy floating through your life.
1. Surround yourself with positive people. Associate yourself with people who practice and focus on things that are productive. Surrounding yourself with people who constantly wish bad on others, have a pessimistic view of everything and wallow in regret and worry won’t contribute to your positive lifestyle. There’s no need to unfriend these types of people, however limiting contact or trying to transfer some of your positive energy will free you of their negative influence.
2. Love and accept yourself as you are right now. Us humans have a hard time doing this task. It’s not simple as we live in a world where love, beauty and success are dictated by everyone but ourselves. We tend to place a lot of weight on what others think and have to say about us. Affirming to myself that I am blessed, loved and good enough is something that I struggle with everyday. Blocking out external influences enables you to truly love and appreciate yourself as a person. If you are in a place where there is no need to fit in or keep up, you tend to relish in your being. It’s easier to say look, this is me and I’m ok with that.
3. Don’t compare your journey to others. This is a struggle for me because I always see people who I think are doing much better than me. When I get caught up in thinking that way I remember that everyone’s journey is different. We are all set up to do different things, at different times, for different reasons. It’s not a race. This does not mean that you can’t aspire to be like someone you admire, it simply means that focusing on your own journey is more beneficial. In addition, you never know of a person’s sacrifice and actions (both good and bad) that would have granted them such a life. You also only see what people put out, you really have no idea what happens behind the scenes.
4. Generally, people don’t do things to hurt you on purpose and I focus on this daily. Whether it be a nasty boss, a friend, the cashier at the grocery store. People don’t generally get up every morning to hurt you. Yes, there are people whose main purpose may be to make your life a living hell, but that is a minority. The majority of us are just trying to get by. Whether it be mentally, financially, physically or otherwise. In passing we may say something off to you or speak to you a certain way, but we’re not out to get you. Keeping this in mind allows me to not hold on to negative actions from others. I let it go just as quick as it came.
5. Daily meditation. Clearing your mind even if only for five minutes everyday can bring forth major benefits. It’s that one time where you just don’t have a care in the world. Everything can wait. It gives you that chance to regroup, refocus and move on.
6. Limit worry and regret. I am a worry wart if you know anything about me, but I have come to the realisation that it changes absolutely nothing. So then what’s the point? It only takes away precious moments that you can never retrieve. And all for nothing. Being regretful is also a feeling that brings forth nothing of worth. For most of us, we made decisions based on information we had at the time and through actions we thought were best. Most noteworthy, regret is a legitimate emotion but it focuses on the past and brings out anger, guilt and sadness. If there is something you can do to quell your feelings of regret, like an apology, think about doing that, forgiving yourself and moving on. It’s definitely easier said than done, but it’s worth a try. You have absolutely nothing to lose.
7. Clear your space of junk. Having a clutter free environment, whether physically or mentally, will bring light and positive energy into your space. Are you familiar with that feeling that comes rushing forth after you have done some spring or Christmas cleaning? Well, that’s the one I’m talking about. That light, airy, fresh, renewed feeling.
8. Let go of attachment. Joy and sadness, excitement and fear will always come and go. When something good happens, it’s good to embrace it, relish in it, and let it go. Do not hold on to it. Just like sadness and anger, it will dissipate. Nothing in life is constant and you will never feel the same way everyday. We live in a world where we are in contact with external forces to which we cannot control. These forces put upon us a wealth of feelings and emotions therefore it’s best to embrace, accept and move on. When we sit and hold on, we prevent what’s next from coming in.
How do you keep positivity and positive energy in your life?
Thanks for stopping by!
P.S ~ Conscious Consuming and Minimalism at Christmas and Are You Living Out your Childhood Dreams?.
Published: November 27, 2017 9:30 AM