Hello out there! Isn’t the radio silence awesome sometimes? Life has a way of forcing that on you from time to time. Life update wise, it’s pretty hectic but not without lots of time for naps, reading and training puppies. And as we’re talking about puppies…we now have one! Eeek!
A new addition ~ His name is Louis and he is an eight week old poodle, bichon frise, shih tzu mix. In other words, he’s pure fluff. Lol. I know I sound quite mommy-ish but it’ll be a crime if I didn’t gush about how smart and keen he is. We have him two weeks now and he’s coming a good way re potty training and basic manners. I can’t wait to have him accompany me on walks in the park! Fun facts about him – he loves cold surfaces, hates the sun and loves a good patch of grass to roll around in. We’re lucky to have this little champ.
A 2nd Wedding Anniversary ~ We’re here! Another year with each other. Marriage is everything I thought it would be and so much more. It’s full of ups and downs but the joy of having someone to go through life with as a partner can be compared to almost nothing. We enjoy our lazy days while giving each other space on our packed ones. We bicker over the pup and not much else (thank goodness). We’re growing as people and our relationship is maturing in the best of ways. I can’t help it, I love having a man by my side.
On home decor ~ So we’re almost a year in, in our home (can I still call it new) and its coming to come. The decor is evolving and our style is finally taking shape. I’m on the hunt for artwork and a banging accent wall color. I have my eyes on this beauty. Just waiting for it to be released. And I’m more than likely going for this color accent wall. In the mean time I’ve been DIY-ing and watching a million episodes of House Hunters. I love watching people decorate a space. We just got some cute lighting fixtures on sale for the living room and on the lookout for a couple for the kitchen, porch and car port. Send your girl some options if you have any!
What about travel? ~ We’re grounded at the moment as we prepare for a couple things (cough cough, our own plant shop). I’m researching Colombia and Cuba because those are going to be our next destinations! Early next year maybe? Who knows, maybe we can squeeze one in this year.
Health and diet ~ So your girl lost eight pounds in a couple of weeks quite effortlessly if I might add. I swear I wasn’t trying to. I just want to be healthier. I’ve cut down my carbs and sugar intake significantly which means I can’t have most snacks and astronomically high caloric foods like chicken alfredo, which I so love. Man I had no idea how many foods contain sugar! Wow! My days are now filled with oats or a simple fruit smoothie for breakfast (I love this banana nut recipe except I replace the almond with oat milk), chick peas, paneer and spinach for lunch and maybe some crackers and honey for dinner. I’ve cut out dairy completely. I missed my eggs like crazy at first, but I’m all good now.
And that’s pretty much all I’ve got to report on. Everything else is pretty much routine and hasn’t changed for the worst thank God! And now on to the second quarter of the year. Exciting times.
So tell me, what’s up in your neck of the woods?
Thanks for stopping by!
PS ~ 10 things I’m loving in March and What are you grateful for these days?
Published: April 8, 2019 5:00 AM