So we’ve reached October. What a year 2017 has been! I have been doing a lot of reflecting lately and I must say that this year was full of trying and testing times, but thankfully, I’m still here. Things are moseying along and life is good enough. Things (and our goals) can always be better but it can also be so so much worse.
But enough of all of that stuff. I’m shifting from monthly goals to quarterly goals as I find it gives me more time to actually plan properly and achieve what I set out to do. Time truly waits for no man. Not at this speed anyways. Here are my goals for the rest of the year and what I hope to accomplish for my blog and I. My September goals are here if you fancy a look back π
- Double my social media following by the end of 2017. I set a goal at the beginning of July to triple my following by the end of that quarter, and I did! I am experiencing pure exuberance at the moment because finding your footing around the interwebs is HARD! But not impossible. I am grateful.
- Write more, take more pictures and just roll with the flow. I need to stop being so uptight and all perfectionist like with the blog. It’s suppose to be a place of happiness and exhilaration, not stress and anxiety.
- Eat healthier and exercise. Forever on my list. And more than likely, forever will be.
- No excess spending for Christmas and the holidays. I can get pretty carried away.
- Stop comparing my success to others.
- Read the four books that I got recently. Especially this one. I sense only good things can come from it.
- and finally, just appreciate my life for what it is, but still keep my eye on my on the prize.
And that’s it for now. Sweet and simple. Just like how I wish life would be. Lol.
What have you planned for the rest of the year? Anything out of the ordinary?
…thanks for stopping by!
P.S ~ 20 Simple Ways To Declutter Your Home || Did You Change Your Last Name?
Published: October 5, 2017 9:30 AM