I struggle so much finding and liking healthy desserts. I have a major sweet tooth and it really hampers my quest for weight maintenance and an overall healthy, balanced diet. But I’m working on that! Some of you may know that I love a good smoothie bowl (I’m chowing down on a watermelon, apple and citrus one as we speak) and so in trying to keep it healthy and to mix things up a bit, I’m trying Jenne Claireborne’s Sweet Potato Pie Smoothie. Her new vegan cookbook is a dream and I couldn’t wait to try something out. Here’s how I put a spin on this dish and made it my own!

Smoothies are a quick and easy way to get your fruit in and the best part is that you can have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even as a snack or like me, for dessert. I put a little less milk to make mine thick and creamy, used coconut sugar as my sweetener and topped it with some berries and banana to get some added sweet and tang.
Sweet Potato Smoothie Bowl Dessert
(From Jenne Claireborne’s Sweet Potato Soul)
1.5 cups of unsweetened soy or almond milk
1 cup mashed sweet potato (baked)
A splash of vanilla or almond extract
1 tsp ground cinammon
1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
1 tsp coconut sugar
Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. I love chunks in my smoothies so I don’t blend totally smooth. Add more non-dairy milk as you see fit.
And there you go! My twist on this sweet potato pie smoothie!
Thanks Jenne! Your new cookbook is bomb!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ps~ More recipes, including this yummy no-cheese pizza!
(Recipe taken from Sweet Potato Soul, by Jenne Claireborne. Published by Harmony Books)
Published: March 5, 2018 6:00 AM