After having been in the working world since the ripe old age of 18, I’ve slowly come to the realization that without work life balance there is nothing. I’m in a mood these days where I keep thinking of what my retirement and old age is going to be like. Will I be one of those folks who only in old age could they afford the time and money to travel? How about being happily surrounded by family and grandchildren? Will I still be working?
One thing I do know is that at that age, I want to feel as though I have fully experienced life. Building a lucrative career can make life so much easier in the long run, but we must ask, at what cost? I look at a couple friends of mine, whom in the grand scheme of things, I should feel a teensy bit of envy. Because they are my age and have way more than me in terms of career, assets and so on. But I don’t. And for good reason.
I truly admire people who devote time and energy to their craft and get rewarded for it. It’s only fair. But what I’ve come to realize, is that if there is no balance, then what do you have? Should you get ill and can no longer work, should you get let go, or should you just sit and reflect, do you really want your most vivid memory to be of you being stuck in an office for 20, 40 and even 50 years of your life. I mean if it’s doing something that you love, well then that’s ok. But for the majority of us, are we doing what we love for a living?
My philosophy is this. Life is so so so short. Work smart (not hard), be fulfilled in your work, give back to the community and the less fortunate and do lots and lots, for you. This sounds easy, but I’m only now finding my way to put these things into action.
I work simply to build memories, not things. Because things can all disappear. They can all be taken away. Experiences however, yes I may someday get dementia, but until then, I will have years and years of them to look back on and cry, smile, laugh, fume, everything!
There are tons of research and articles out there (like this one) that shows what elderly or dying people wish they would have done differently in life. More times than not, it’s to not work so much. To have seen the beauty in life. To live the life they wanted as apposed to what was expected of them.
What is this life really if we can’t take some time out and really see the world? But then again, who am I? I’m a young woman with an average job, working for an average (but really good) company, with an average income. Trust when I say that I am really thankful for these things. They make my life a hell lot easier, but what would it be if I didn’t have a sound relationship, didn’t travel, didn’t volunteer or write this blog? What would it be if I didn’t catch up with friends, meet new people or simply lay down and did nothing? If all I had was my job. My work. What would my life look like? These are the pertinent questions that we need to frequently ask ourselves.
So in the end…
When I’m stressed out at work, I bring myself back to my thoughts on effecting work life balance. Work is not the be all and end all and play is not the be all and end all either. So what do we do? We make the best with what we have. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
What are your thoughts on work life balance?
Thanks for stopping by!
PS ~ Wedding talk: What Would You Change About Yours? and How to Create Good Vibes At Home.
Published: February 19, 2018 6:00 AM